Get your student back on the right track, or ahead of the curve, with summer school at Accelerated Schools of Overland Park! ASOP offers summer school for students in the Kansas City area who are entering grades 6-12:

  • June and July

  • 9am to 1pm

  • Monday through Friday.

High school courses for both credit recovery and accelerated credit are offered:

  • 3 weeks (60 hours) of attendance per 0.5 credit

  • maximum of 1.5 credits can be earned during the summer session.

Middle school students are offered:

  • academic instruction in core subjects designed to meet the student’s specific needs

  • creative activities in art, computer and STEAM

  • instruction in developing more effective executive functioning skills.

For both summer school options, weeks of instruction do not have to be consecutive, but must be determined at enrollment.

For more information, please contact us by: calling 913-341-6666, completing our Inquiry Form, or emailing

Private summer school in Overland Park, KS, grades 6-12. Serving the Kansas City area for over 45 years. High school credit recovery.

Summer School Flyer

Information regarding summer school can be viewed by clicking the Summer School Flyer button below.

The flyer is a pdf file. An updated version of Adobe Acrobat Reader on your device is required to open it. You can download the Reader for free by clicking here. Once open, you can download or print the flyer.